Wednesday 12 February 2020

The number of US Military Soldiers injuries in Iranian Missile attack rises drastically

WASHINGTON: The number of US Military Soldiers injuries in Iranian Missile attack rises drastically.
The US military reports over 100 cases of traumatic brain injury stemming from Iran’s missile attack on a base in Iraq last month, officials told Reuters on Monday.
Speaking on condition of anonymity ahead of the announcement, the officials said there were over 100 cases of TBI, up from the 64 previously reported last month.
The Pentagon declined to comment but, in the past, had said to expect an increase in numbers in the weeks after the attack because symptoms can take time to manifest and troops can sometimes take longer to report them.
No US troops were killed or faced immediate bodily injury when Iran fired missiles at the Ain al-Asad base in Iraq in retaliation for the US killing of Revolutionary Guard General Qassem Soleimani link in a drone strike at the Baghdad airport on January 3.
The missile attacks capped a spiral of violence that had started in late December. Both sides have refrained from further military escalation but the mounting number of US casualties could increase pressure on the Trump administration to respond, perhaps non-militarily.

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